Nom nom nom! Ruby doesn’t like beef, so she just watches the boys – but she got some other treats instead!
Tag: yummy
My friend Melanie from Germany with the Harbour Kitties in Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote. The cats must have thought it was Christmas when she turned up with 5 packets of…
Spider does love those stick treats!
Life from inside the food bowl – Ruby nomming her raw chicken. ? #cats #tabbies #tabbycats #gatos #katzen #neko #ilovecats #kitties #cute #pets #animals #catstagram #catsofinstagram #catlover #catsoflanzarote #gingercat…
Lugosi & Spider: “Oooh! Nom! Gissa more of those!”
What Lugosi wants, Lugosi gets! He does love those treats!
The cheapest (or free) cat toys always tend to be the best ones, and this one also doubles as a treat dispenser. Watch Nelly demonstrate…. :: Click here for instructions…
Gimme Gimme Gimme! They love those pure, freeze-dried chicken treats (available from Feline Instincts), especially Spider, as you can see!
This bowl is a bit deep for Janelle´s cute, smooshy Persian face, but that doesn´t mean she won´t go all the way to get to the food! .
Spider: “Do I smell TUNA?!“ Gimmeeeeeeeee! Num num num num! (That´s “nom nom nom nom” spelled in English rather than American).