Janelle to Squeaky: “Sorry girlie. No matter how you see it, *I* definitely look better than you on these stripey cushions…”
Tag: squeaky
Squeaky, my friend Anneke’s cat, posing pretty…
A kitty loo to sleep in (Squeaky being rather gross, sleeping next to the pee and the poo). Okay, so is this a bit more sensible and less gross? After…
I had the pleasure of catsitting Janelle & Co a while ago, so here are some piccies of your favourite shaded golden Persian and her friends… Nelly on the outside…
Squeaky, one of my friend´s cats, swears the fish was that big. Honest.
Here´s Janelle in all her glory. My secret to get cats to look at the camera like that, is flapping a fly swatter around just above the camera. The fluttery…
She is positively glowing in the sunshine! Oh, hello there! Janelle to Squeaky: “What the hell are you doing, you silly goofball?!”
No, not the one on the wall! (photo courtesy of Anneke Bosma)
Squeaky (front) and Janelle – *not* photoshopped! The intense green is Squeaky´s natural eye colour. She is just so stunning….
Janelle and Squeaky
I hear you ask what happened to Lugosi, Spider & Ruby? Well, they are right here, chillin´, sleepin´, eatin´, taking it easy, but they haven´t granted me any kitty photo…
I´m gonna miss you all! But not to worry, I´ll visit every now and then….. Butt Shot: Squeaky and Janelle Gorgeous Janelle Janelly getting herself covered in planty bits! What…
Catsitting Janelle & Co at the moment. Here´s is the “Co” in “Janelle & Co” – the handsome Squeaky and epileptic kitty Blacky….
No Janelle today (see here for Nelly photos in yesterday´s post), but beautiful pics of Blacky, Squeaky, and the two ferals Stompy and Macho (who live in Anneke´s front garden)….
Janelle is in seriously “full fluff” at the moment – she will be getting shaved for the summer again though! .The “I shall keeel you in your sleep….” look..And the…
… of the Synchronised Sleeping Competition are: Janelle & Squeaky!(photos courtesy of Anneke Bosma – thanks!).
Squeaky says: “My trendy new mop bed is very comfortabuhls!”
She does this thing all the time, but was too nervous while I was there with the camera, so she only did it once. So adorable!
Forgot to post these last week, when I was looking after Nelly & Co while Anneke was away in Holland (taken with my “secondary” camera, hence the lesser photo quality)….
With temperatures today near 40C, Janelle and Squeaky are trying to find the best spot in the shade… and as long as Squeaky respects Janelle´s personal space, everything is fine!….Janelle´s…
Catsitting Janelle, Squeaky & Blacky at the moment – so here are some piccies! .Peekaboo! .The beautiful, photogenic Squeaky.Pr0n Star Pose.Squeaky & Blacky (Blacky is epileptic and has balance problems,…
A rare photo of the two together in peace…
A few gorgeous piccies of the other two cats (that live with Janelle) that I´m catsitting for 2 weeks…. .Blacky…Squeaky.
Squeaky (grey & white) and Blacky… (taken with mobile phone camera, hence the fuzzy quality).Love Cats enhance
Photos of Princes Janelle – Enjoy!.Silly pic – check out the little tongue! :p.Posing on the sofa.Nelly outside.The photogenic Squeaky, posing in the garden
Janelle´s co-inhabitants Squeaky & Blacky Squeaky talking to my friend Anneke…
Visited my sweet Janelle again yesterday. Here are some pics of her, and her equally stunningly beautiful co-inhabitant Squeaky…….
I miss my little princess so much, even though I know she is in the bestest of hands with Anneke… ….Not Janelle – this is the photogenic, but rather shy…
Ahhhh, comfy…
Squeaky, one of my friend Anneke´s kitties (where Janelle lives now), showing us all how to relax is done!.Enhance
Janelle: “Oh noes! Don´t you photograph me with these *commoners*!”