Spider cleans Ruby…. those 2 are usually not on the bestest of terms, so this is a very cute, rare shot.
Tag: Spider
ENJOY!!!! Kittyfight Club: Ruby v. Spider.Lugosi on the balcony.Spider & Lugosi on the balcony.Ruby at play.Ruby with Spider in the background
Spider should really get a job at the circus with these talents…
…and they mess up your living room!
Short clip filmed in nightvision – Ruby looks creepy, like an *albino* cat!
Lugosi wasn´t in a posing mood, so no pic of him here this time… .
Who will end up getting the chair?! .
Hope you´re all having a great Crimbo. Here´s some random cute pics for you to enjoy of my Terrible Threesome. .Lugosi & Ruby.Basket Case Spider (I love the way his…
Spider and his “friends”
Some random photos I took this evening of ma bebbees..Love the way Ruby hides behind Spider in this shot… .Earlier on at sunset
Spider is trying to establish who is higher in the pecking order. But Ruby doesn´t really give a toss about the pecking order….
This morning, after the rain….
Awww. It´s just the sweetest thing when they put their paw on you. Makes you feel loved.
Spider, Lugosi & Ruby. A shot in a million.
All peaceful between those two at the mo…. thanks goodness!
Ruby with Lugosi.Lugosi, Ruby and Spider in background
On top of my dirty clothes!!!
As a thanks for posing so beautifully, I did give them a few little scraps in the end…. ..
Check out his Bedroom Eyes… .
ENJOY! .Ruby.Spider.Ruby.Lugosi.Ruby & Lugosi
Spider gives the expression “muff diving” a whole new meaning…
Spider is seriously starting to become a total teenager…. first he goes on a hunger strike, and now he´s being silly hiding from everybody under the bed covers. Next he´ll…
Poor Baby. Spider is still very quiet and depressed, and isn´t eating very much. He walks around with his head hanging all the time. It´s because of the new kitten…
Ruby has been busy studying martial arts on the internetz, but she found that she´s actually quite the natural! Here she is with Spider in a spectacular wrestling match… ..……
Spider & Ruby surveying their ´hood….
oooooh, sweet nothings…. CAPTIONS WANTED!!!
Spider (left), Ruby-Kitten and Lugosi
I was taking photos of Spider (left) and Lugosi………when Ruby cheekily jumped into the photo, posing prettily! (the scar on her belly is from being spayed on Tuesday)
Janelle is permanently moving to “Auntie” Anneke tomorrow – the “Nemesis” situation with Lugosi isn´t ever going to get any better, and I am glad that I have found my…
A wide shot of all my 3 bebbehs in the bedroom….
Pretty Kitty..
Bless him! Spider “built” himself a “nest” with the bed cover again….
Playing with Spider & Lugosi, throwing one of their favourite toys (a rustly, foil paper ball) and watching them jump after it madly!
As you can see, he´s his usual, bully-self again. Here he is (on top!) wrestling with his brother Spider.
Two pics of Spider in the sun this morning….
We had finished our fajitas, but there was some chicken left, so Spider decided he´d steal himself someDon´t worry, the hot plate was cold by then, it was safe for…
Spider (left) and Lugosi surveying their ´hood late at night….
He shoots and sc…… but Spider Cat is there with his sticky paws to stop the opposition from putting in an equaliser….. *roaring crowd noises in background*
Just a sweet piccie of the boys on the sofa this afternoon….
Hellooooo Ladeeeeez….
Check this out (and I swear I did not have a hand in this) – Spider *made* this perfect little cat bed out of the bed cover this afternoon. I…
Spider: “Sheesh! No privacy these days! Can´t even go for a pee without them paparazzi following me!!! Oh the joys of being famous….” *sighs*
make sure to put some flowers in your fur….
Lugosi cleans his twin bro Spider, awwww…..