HERE IT IS! My “Street Cats of Lanzarote 2019” Calendar! Enjoy each month with a gorgeous photo of one (or more) of the amazing feral cats on our island. Get…
Tag: puerto del carmen
The main carnival may already be over (it was on Monday of this week), but here in Puerto del Carmen the big day is today, 17th February. Lugosi and Ruby…
I got a donation of cat food from a friend whose cat is too spoilt and didn’t eat it. When I tried said food on my cats, they didn’t like…
We were dining at La Dolce Vita in the Old Town of Puerto del Carmen last night, and there were so many beautiful kitties skitting back and forth under the…
Meet some of the friendly ferals that live in my town… Feral Cat Colony near Playa Chica in Puerto del Carmen… They’re all so adorable, all 11 of…
A black kitten suckling on its mummy, from the Harbour Cat Colony of Puerto del Carmen in Lanzarote. The Harbour Cats of Puerto del Carmen have their own Facebook page,…
That expression says it all…
I bought this lovely pet blanket at our local Lidl here in Puerto del Carmen yesterday, but after only one day of use, it looks like *this*, can you believe it?! The…
Met all these cuties at the Harbour a few days ago… Met this adorable feral kitten yesterday in the harbour of Puerto del Carmen. I *almost* took her…
My friend Melanie from Germany with the Harbour Kitties in Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote. The cats must have thought it was Christmas when she turned up with 5 packets of…
As soon as they hear the rustling of a bag, they all come running out of the rocks in the Old Town Harbour area of Puerto del Carmen…
I came across these cuties on my way to the local summer fair yesterday. From the snip in the ear you can see that somebody already had the mummy cat…
Two gorgeous kittens and their mum, whom I encountered in the Old Town Harbour in Puerto del Carmen at the weekend… Oh hai there! Mummy!!!! I want my mummy!!!!…
A friend and I trapped one of the feral kittens from the cat colony in the Old Town Harbour in Puerto del Carmen yesterday, took it to the vet to be neutered, and returned it…
Got to photograph some of the feral cats of Lanzarote yesterday. It´s hard to believe that these wild street cats can still be so stunningly beautiful…. ENJOY! The snip in…
Happy New Year Everybody! No kitties this time, sorry – back soon though! New Year´s Eve 2010/2011 in the Old Town of Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote .
In a restaurant in Costa Teguise.Elsewhere in Costa Teguise.Last night at the Europa Apartments in Puerto del Carmen