It appears that Ruby doesn’t really like Jupiter that much, but they still play and chase each other in a friendly way every now and then. This is good news…
Tag: playing
Ruby trying to fish some toys out of a friend’s handbag, that I gave her for her cat (Janelle)… ??? #cats #ruby #tabbies #handbag #cattoys #hausvonfluffenstein #gatos #katzen #katt…
My little loony playing with a foil ball in the bathtub…. <span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span>
Would you believe both him and his brother Lugosi are going to be 18 years old in July? Sadly, Lugosi is not even half as active as Spider, but every…
Spider is almost 18 years old! Can you believe he’s still so playful? He cracks me up, LOL. Spider plays football from *inside* his tent. ? Note: Spider is almost…
Look at her go mental! Ruby goes mental in the bathtub… ????? The simple toys (aluminium foil ball) are always the best! #cats #bathtub #playing #tabbies #tabbycats #gatos…
Ruby got a new toy, i.e. my bracelet! ***Turn up your sound to hear her super purrs!*** ? #cats #tabbies #tabbycats #gatos #katzen #katt #neko #ilovecats #kitties #cute #pets…
Not bad for a 17 year old! Spider is still very active and playful at his advanced age… ??? . #cats #oldcats #oldcatsrule #oldcatsrock #tabbies #tabbycats #gatos #katzen #katt…
He may be almost 17 years old and deaf, but he is still so playful and has a lot of energy in him!
Spider likes to think outside the box…. Spider: “Mum! The rat snorted all my catnip!” Spider peeking through the back of the cat house. Ruby sleeping on top…
The new tent is turning out to be a great toy too! Hover over the pic and press PLAY to watch video. Ruby’s new tent is turning out…
My 15-year-old boy still has his playful moments in his old age…
Wishing you all a fantabulous 2015!!!! Luv from Barbarella, Ruby, Spider & Lugosi.
Spider is a 15 year old “grandad”, but he´s still soooo playful! He loves playing with the leaves outside that the wind blows around…
Don´t you DARE, you little git! Those are my brand new curtains!
Just look at Spider! He has found a new way of making himself look super-slim! However, this doesn´t seem to work quite so well for Lugosi… :/ And here´s the…
A bit of fun between “siblings”…
She really enjoyed herself chasing bubbles this morning… What´s with the space helmet, Ruby?! Pssst! They´re behind you, Ruby! Posing pretty with bubbles… Got one! They don´t taste so good!
She does have a bit of a catnip habit, but hey, as long as it´s not causing major addiction problems, we will just let her go with the flow and…
Spider loves chasing and catching the leaves in the alley, blown around by the wind… being 14 years old doesn´t stop him from being playful! WALLLLL! :-O
Having a play with our street´s cutest tabby queen. She´s gonna grow up so fast…
Lugosi is 14 soon!
Had this same toy when Ruby was young, but she destroyed it (ripped all the fur off it, playing). So here´s the replacement!
Spider´s favourite toys: crinkly mylar balls. Of course, they are the mostest fun when a human is there to throw them so he can jump high in the air…
Spider chasing Bouganvillea petals this afternoon (with Lugosi lazily looking on). He´s still so playful with his 13 years!
Spider is still extremely playful with this 13 years. Watch him here go mad chasing mylar foil balls that I throw at him…
Some Janelle pics I took last week – she´s 9 years old on 14 May and still soooo playful!
Another cute Janelle kitty video – shame my mobile phone battery died!!!
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Just a couple of pics of my boy Spider. Taking a break after chasing lights on the sofa…
I bought these cute wrist rests for my mouse and keyboard from eBay, and I thought I´d show them to Ruby. Towards the end of the vid you can see…
It´s fantastic that Lugosi and Spider are still so playful at almost 13 years of age, especially Spider.
Lugosi´s mad 5 minutes….