Guys, GUYS!!! Be nice to each other!
Tag: outside
Must be some interesting smells out there…
A sweet moment between Spider and Ruby…
Buster from next door joins the kitty club to make it Trouble Times Four!
Out in the alley by the full moon…. SpiderCat RubyLoaf Lugosi´s Silhouette
Back of the head shots of Ruby and her new friend Buster (from next door)…
Spider (left), Lugosi (yawning), Ruby at the top of the stairs and…. Buster! Buster, our neighbours´ ginger tom is only 8 months old, but he´s already huge as you can…
What are Ruby (left) and Spider sniffing / seeing / thinking? Leave your caption ideas in the comments…
Lugosi to Spider: “You shall not pass!”
Whether you´re inside or outside, synchronised cleaning can be done in many different ways… here are Lugosi and Ruby showing you how it´s done.
Some random piccies from our supervised kitty outings…. The Boys Ruby behind bars! How am I going to get out of this prison?! Hey, I´m a cat. Tis easy!
Two lovely piccies of Spider outside in the alley that I shot using a sepia filter the other day…
Spider is a 15 year old “grandad”, but he´s still soooo playful! He loves playing with the leaves outside that the wind blows around…
Lugosi, Ruby and Spider on the stairs outside our apartment…
Spider´s busy schedule prevented him from being available for a photo session… but here´s Lugosi. And Ruby…
My soulmate Lugosi and I, chillaxing outside our apartment…
Whatever it is…. let´s get ready to…. RUN AWAY!
Gotta see life from *both* sides of the fence! Spider (left) and Lugosi (right).
Ruby goes back to her wild roots. Incidentally, since these pics were taken, the whole garden downstairs has been weeded, which turns out not so interesting to the cats anymore!
Tabby bros Spider (left) and Lugosi chilling at the top of the stairs on a hot summer´s day.
I have been a bit quiet with my kitty pic/video posts because of lots and lots of work… but we´re still here, alive and kicking. Or in Lugosi´s case,…
Lugosi (front) and his twin bro Spider at the bottom of the stairs…
No Ruby, your orange colour is very slimming!
A new face in our alley…. very cute, very friendly and very photogenic! He granted me an exclusive photo session with him… Hackles Raised! Ruby (right) is not impressed with…
Spider appears to have lost a leg!
Sadly, we had to suspend our kitty outings recently because Lugosi has been diagnosed and treated for rather bad lung congestion due to asthma, and he now has a rotten…
Spider and Lugosi rolling around in the alley outside… Closeup – Spider (front) and his bro Lugosi And outside again… tabby twins. Mirrored Tabbies…
Cute little Elfie is another kitty that lives in my alley – she is very shy though and only trusts her own mummy apparently!
Only Ruby and Lugosi in this pic with me – Spider was off in the alley exploring!
He´s having a bad day…. And this is him on a good day!
Spider chasing Bouganvillea petals this afternoon (with Lugosi lazily looking on). He´s still so playful with his 13 years!
Another outing they enjoyed – we´re doing this once or twice every day now. Spider and Ruby Ruby shares a secret with Lugosi Mirror Cats (Ruby and Lugosi) Spider…
…enjoying their daily outing… (and Ruby is there somewhere too, of course)
She´s a right little scaredy cat.
This is going to be a daily thing from now on – they are really enjoying their semi-freedom! >> Click for more photos of yesterday´s outing on Flickr <<
Oooh, what´s all this green stuff here? And, ooh, there are other cat smells!!! Exciting! Chillin´ on the staircase on the way back home…