HERE IT IS! My “Street Cats of Lanzarote 2019” Calendar! Enjoy each month with a gorgeous photo of one (or more) of the amazing feral cats on our island. Get…
Tag: lanzarote
The main carnival may already be over (it was on Monday of this week), but here in Puerto del Carmen the big day is today, 17th February. Lugosi and Ruby…
I got a donation of cat food from a friend whose cat is too spoilt and didn’t eat it. When I tried said food on my cats, they didn’t like…
I had the pleasure of meeting the super talented singer/songwriter/model Oriana Curls, who came to visit Lanzarote earlier this week, and spending two fun-filled days with her. As you can…
I picked up Spider’s ashes from my vets in Tías yesterday. Driving home, I “talked” to him and cried all the way home, and had to make a stop because…
I recently met up to do an interview with Freddy of Freddy’s Cathouse in Playa Blanca, a town in the west of our island of Lanzarote. Him and his charity…
We were dining at La Dolce Vita in the Old Town of Puerto del Carmen last night, and there were so many beautiful kitties skitting back and forth under the…
A black kitten suckling on its mummy, from the Harbour Cat Colony of Puerto del Carmen in Lanzarote. The Harbour Cats of Puerto del Carmen have their own Facebook page,…
Hi furriends, Spider here. Since it was National Cat Day over in the U.S. of A. a few days ago, which promotes kitty adoptions, I thought I would share my and…
I bought this lovely pet blanket at our local Lidl here in Puerto del Carmen yesterday, but after only one day of use, it looks like *this*, can you believe it?! The…
Met all these cuties at the Harbour a few days ago… Met this adorable feral kitten yesterday in the harbour of Puerto del Carmen. I *almost* took her…
Last chance to get a fantastic Christmas prezzie for cat lovers!!! The calendar is made up of the best shots that I have captured over the last year of some of…
As soon as they hear the rustling of a bag, they all come running out of the rocks in the Old Town Harbour area of Puerto del Carmen…
I just found out via Twitter that I, and also 9 Lives Lanzarote , were mentioned in this wonderful article about the Cats of Lanzarote. Thank you soooo much “Just…
My name is JUMPY and I´m a ginger/white 4 month old tom cat. I am very friendly, playful, cuddly and get on well with other cats. Mi nombre es JUMPY…
These stunning kitties are living on a tourist complex in Puerto del Carmen that I visited with Bernie from 9 Lives Lanzarote the other day. The more friendly ones are…
Woot! Fame at last! I have been published. Recently Catster emailed me asking me why I don´t write for them? So as a first effort, naturally, I chose the…
Happy New Year Everybody! No kitties this time, sorry – back soon though! New Year´s Eve 2010/2011 in the Old Town of Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote .
so beautiful, I would like to share. Took these pictures the other day – the island of Lanzarote is usually very barren but always “blooms” during the winter time because…
Two of the stunning kitties that live on the Bitacora holiday complex in Puerto del Carmen here in Lanzarote granted me a photo session this afternoon. One is more gorgeous…
Spider loves the view from his 1st floor balcony…