I´m gonna miss you all! But not to worry, I´ll visit every now and then….. Butt Shot: Squeaky and Janelle Gorgeous Janelle Janelly getting herself covered in planty bits! What…
Tag: Janelle
Catsitting the beautiful Janelle (and Squeaky and Blacky) at the moment. Here´s a couple of pics from this morning…
Janelle got her early Christmas prezzie today from Auntie Barbarella!
I vant to be aloannnn!
Little video from this morning (my mobile video camera isn´t that great, so apologies for the quality!) .And a few piccies sporting her cute lion cut. Look at those fluffy…
Had a wonderful cuddle session with Janelle yesterday… .
Janelle has just been shaved and the groomer did a really horrible job of it!!! Hence poor Nelly is not granting us full body shots today… (you are still gorgeous,…
Janelle is in seriously “full fluff” at the moment – she will be getting shaved for the summer again though! .The “I shall keeel you in your sleep….” look..And the…
… of the Synchronised Sleeping Competition are: Janelle & Squeaky!(photos courtesy of Anneke Bosma – thanks!).
Janelle´s tocks from a not so flattering angle!
Janelle is in full fluff at the moment – she will probably be shaved again soon, but in the meantime, we´re enjoying her amazing, beautiful, long golden fur……
So cute, her dashing around!
Nobody can seeee meee! . Oh okay, I´m so beautiful, I actually *want* people to see me! . This plant don´t taste that good…. :/
Listen to her noisy munching…
Some old video footage that I never got round to editing until now, of Lugosi, Spider and Janelle (before she moved over to live with my friend Anneke) getting rat-arsed…
…says Janelle
It´s my basket, and I cry if I want to…. . Peek-a-Boo! . Mummy Anneke with Janelle (out of the basket, gasp!) . Playful Nelly (back in the basket!) ….
Mad kitty, watch her dashing around!
Visited my little Janelle today – Photo!
I will forever miss my little Nelly Bean! But she´s doing really well at Anneke´s place, bless her.
Forgot to post these last week, when I was looking after Nelly & Co while Anneke was away in Holland (taken with my “secondary” camera, hence the lesser photo quality)….
With temperatures today near 40C, Janelle and Squeaky are trying to find the best spot in the shade… and as long as Squeaky respects Janelle´s personal space, everything is fine!….Janelle´s…
Catsitting Janelle, Squeaky & Blacky at the moment – so here are some piccies! .Peekaboo! .The beautiful, photogenic Squeaky.Pr0n Star Pose.Squeaky & Blacky (Blacky is epileptic and has balance problems,…
Janelle´s mummy Anneke was away the last few days, so I was looking after her and her coinhabicats Squeaky and Blacky. Had a little bit of a wild play earlier…
Saw my Nellybean this afternoon. I still love her to bits…
A rare photo of the two together in peace…
More fuzzy mobile phone pics of Nelly… with me!..
Photos of Princes Janelle – Enjoy!.Silly pic – check out the little tongue! :p.Posing on the sofa.Nelly outside.The photogenic Squeaky, posing in the garden
Visited my sweet Janelle again yesterday. Here are some pics of her, and her equally stunningly beautiful co-inhabitant Squeaky…….
I visited Janelle again yesterday – she´s co-inhabiting with a little doggie at the moment, called Feis (see pics below), who Anneke is looking after for a week – and…
I miss my little princess so much, even though I know she is in the bestest of hands with Anneke… ….Not Janelle – this is the photogenic, but rather shy…
I visited ma bebbee Janelle the other day – this is Anneke (her new mummy) stroking her gently, and Nelly really enjoying it…
Oh no, she didn´t like wearing that “thing” at first, look at her face in the first pic…. however, she quickly realised that she actually looks very pretty in pink…
… and she gets her favourites: PRAWNS!
She really loves it at Anneke´s place. So relaxed, out here on the patio, in her favourite shady spot…. makes me happy to see she is doing so well –…
Janelle (who lived with us for almost 3 years, but now is with a friend, in case you didn´t know) is absolutely happy at Anneke´s house. I mean, wouldn´t *you*…
Janelle is permanently moving to “Auntie” Anneke tomorrow – the “Nemesis” situation with Lugosi isn´t ever going to get any better, and I am glad that I have found my…
A wide shot of all my 3 bebbehs in the bedroom….
Couple of Janelle pics – first cute…..…then silly – just before she made a mad dash past me and the camera….
Right next to my face when I go to bed. Bless her.
Spreading her furry butt about the place as if she never left….
Janelle: “Oh noes! Don´t you photograph me with these *commoners*!”
If all goes well, Lugosi will be out of the “Collar of Terror” (at least in Janelle´s eyes!) by Thursday this week, and Janelle will be back with us then….
For the next 2 weeks Janelle is holidaying away from radar dish collared “evil monster” Lugosi – hopefully this holiday won´t be cut short because she won´t behave with the…