Nelly and I (when I still had pinky purple hair)…
Tag: Janelle
Proud to say that my kitty niece Janelle got featured again as “Loaf of the Day” on the website!
Loooook! Lugosi, Spider, Ruby and Janelle were featured in this beautiful video! Now all we gotta do is move to Ireland and get that job! DREAM JOB ALERT!!!!!…
She just loves to nibble on those morning glory flowers. They don’t appear to have any harmful effect on her, she doesn’t even vomit afterwards, so we gather they are…
Nelly shows us her yoga moves…
Janelle’s cute little grumpy Persian face…
Janelle to Squeaky: “Sorry girlie. No matter how you see it, *I* definitely look better than you on these stripey cushions…”
We use this grooming mask to help Janelle with the stress of being brushed (she hates it!), and it does work to a certain extent. However, she still wriggles and…
I had the pleasure of catsitting Janelle & Co a while ago, so here are some piccies of your favourite shaded golden Persian and her friends… Nelly on the outside…
Yes, it´s Janelle! Haven´t posted anything about her in a while – she just celebrated her 12th birthday and is doing really well. Janelle ready for take-off: “I believe…
I haven´t posted anything about our favourite Persian Princess for a while, so here´s a Nelly photo update for you. Vintage Nelly Let me down…. or else! Selfie with Nelly…
Or maybe not. Nelly thinks: “OMG. Not *another* year.”
On her new sofa and new cushion…
Here´s Janelle in all her glory. My secret to get cats to look at the camera like that, is flapping a fly swatter around just above the camera. The fluttery…
Janelle´s furry/fluffy lightbulb expression…. And fluffy lightbulb frontal view…
Janelle´s adorable super-fluffy paw….
Sleepy time for the kattens, I guess! Spider´s had it for the day… Ruby´s out for the count… Ruby and Lugosi And Janelle is sleepy too!
She´s turning into an old lady, but a beautiful one at that.
Perched on her aunty Barbarella´s belly, purring… awww bless.
Visited my girl today.
The cheapest (or free) cat toys always tend to be the best ones, and this one also doubles as a treat dispenser. Watch Nelly demonstrate…. :: Click here for instructions…
Look at the floofff!
My latest article on Catster – my cats really DO look like famous actors! Read it here: Janelle v. Greta Garbo Lugosi v. Tim Rozon (“Lost Girl”) Ruby v….
Yes, it´s all good, and correct, and well done hoomins, you did a good job. *haz Nelly´s stamp of Approval*
Mine. All Mine. Nom.
Surely, she should be in the Guinness Book of Records with those fluffy mitts?
Make sure you have your sound turned up to hear her silly growlings!
“… to always look angry. Yep. That´s my prerogative”, says Janelle.
Behold the fluffiest underside in the Universe! There´s a head in there too. Somewhere. Oh! There it is!
Behold the Toe Hawk! Fluff-Enhance! And the whole kitty now…. the lovely Janelle!
She is positively glowing in the sunshine! Oh, hello there! Janelle to Squeaky: “What the hell are you doing, you silly goofball?!”
Janelle has a new bed! It´s supposed to be rounded at the top, but the way it was packaged, this is the shape it came out, and I think it´s…
Posing pretty – Janelle in “full fluff”. Beautiful Janelle and I. … and Squeaky (“talk to the butt”)
Ok, so she´s strictly speaking not “my” Janelle anymore, I´m just the auntie these days… but I still love her so much!
Visited my Nellybean yesterday and she was really mellow and let me take photos with her.
An extremely shy (and endangered) species, we still managed to get a couple of shots of this little marvel of nature….
Squeaky (front) and Janelle – *not* photoshopped! The intense green is Squeaky´s natural eye colour. She is just so stunning….
Janelle and Squeaky
I hear you ask what happened to Lugosi, Spider & Ruby? Well, they are right here, chillin´, sleepin´, eatin´, taking it easy, but they haven´t granted me any kitty photo…
Janelle got shaved again on Thursday. Her mummy tells me that Janelle has never been so active, happy and cuddly like she is now. It´s like a big weight off…
Some Janelle pics I took last week – she´s 9 years old on 14 May and still soooo playful!
Another cute Janelle kitty video – shame my mobile phone battery died!!!
Janelle yesterday, playing with the strap of my bag…. she´s all flooff (where´s her head?) LOL