Listen to those purrs! She loves her “big bro” so much!
Tag: grooming
Ruby loves being brushed, but she just can’t help eating the brush! LOL
Funnily enough, Spider is the only one out of my 3 cats who uses this contraption, and with much gusto.
Ruby: “You missed a spot just there, bro…. ok, I got it for you.”
It always just melts my heart when they’re like this! i
We use this grooming mask to help Janelle with the stress of being brushed (she hates it!), and it does work to a certain extent. However, she still wriggles and…
Lugosi and Ruby…. can you just feeeel the lurve! P.S.: Turn up the sound to hear Ruby´s loud purrs.
I love coming home to…. this.
Slurp. More slurpinks.
They are not related, but they so love each other.
This is just too adorable…. Lugosi, Spider and Ruby all grooming each other!
Whether you´re inside or outside, synchronised cleaning can be done in many different ways… here are Lugosi and Ruby showing you how it´s done.
Ruby loves Lugosi so much… and I think he secretly loves her too, even though he would never admit it!
First so fierce, then so cute. Enjoy.
It´s a cat thing. Ooops!
Spider is not too impressed that mummy took this piccie of him and posted it on the website!
And now we´re going to lift our right leg behind our head like this…. it´s so easy! When you´re a cat, that is.
Lugosi at his morning grooming session… Look! I can touch my nose with my tongue! Ah! Clean now, I think….
After finishing off his plate of raw beef (thanks to Felice at Feline Instincts for the nutritional help with the new raw food diet for my kitties), a good clean…