Obviously, Lugosi has read the sign and it says nothing about cats, only dogs…. so there!
Tag: funny
Lugosi never liked having his clawsies trimmed. See it and believe it. Did you watch the previous video of Ruby getting her claws trimmed? Well, here’s Lugosi, who…
Can’t say I didn’t try…
My little loony playing with a foil ball in the bathtub…. <span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span>
This is one of his favourite games. Note: this video is from about a year ago when Spider was still alive (see him at the beginning of the video).
I had the pleasure of meeting the super talented singer/songwriter/model Oriana Curls, who came to visit Lanzarote earlier this week, and spending two fun-filled days with her. As you can…
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Diiii Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ruby sings Aida…
Maybe you shouldn’t try this at home… most cats run 10 miles when they even hear the darn thing! Lugosi lets me hoover him again… ???? #cats #hoover…
I absolutely love this! For more of Bruce’s hilarious cat and dog cartoons, go and visit his website or Facebook page.
Lugosi! It was you!!!! Pooo-eeeee, that really pongs! Ruby & Spider hide their noses behind their paws….
Would you believe both him and his brother Lugosi are going to be 18 years old in July? Sadly, Lugosi is not even half as active as Spider, but every…
Lugosi: “Awww crap. I am getting too old for this. I really gotta lay off the ´nip!” *sigh*
So mummy goes to a food festival and she brings us back…. a vegetarian burger? WTF?! Bad Mummy!
If only every kitty was as clever as Ruby, we would have a lot more cool cats out there.
Look at her go mental! Ruby goes mental in the bathtub… ????? The simple toys (aluminium foil ball) are always the best! #cats #bathtub #playing #tabbies #tabbycats #gatos…
Spider supurrvising me changing the bed clothes… It’s a dirty job, but some cat’s gotta do it! Spider supurrvising me changing the bed clothes… It’s a dirty job, but…
Ruby is at it again. She just loves that hoverboard!
Spider is a very keen Yoga practitioner. However, I think he still needs to work on his technique just a wee bit…
Ruby on her hoverboard…
Nelly shows us her yoga moves…
If you like kittens and cheesy action comedies, then this movie will be right up your alley…
Watch these little guys having a tiff over some cat food!
Team Rocket! Jesse! James! And Meowth, that’s right!
A couple of funny pics of Lugosi and Spider jumping to catch a fly… No brother… THIS is how it´s done!
Or maybe it´s just a wee bit too big for my little paw? Sneaky, one of my friend´s friendly ferals who lives on her terrace…
Lugosi: “If I put only two paws on here, I will surely weigh a lot less!” “Or one paw is even better!”
Remember AC/DC´s “Whole Lotta Rosie”? Well, I re-wrote the lyrics and recorded my own squeaky voice on top of this hard rock track from the 70s, and it´s now called…
… where a cat thimply forgeth to putsth hith tongue back in…
You´re never left in the dark when you got cat eyes to light your way…
Buster (the neighbours´ cat) demonstrates that all it takes for squeaky clean floors is… a cat!And a human´s foot attached to the cat, for that matter…
My girl is getting more and more adorable as time goes by…
I LOL´d. And so will you!
Ruby finds something amusing…
Synchronised Facial Expressions…
I bought these cute wrist rests for my mouse and keyboard from eBay, and I thought I´d show them to Ruby. Towards the end of the vid you can see…
So funny. And cute. And hot. And did I mention funny? Features Sam Trammell from my favourite TV series “True Blood“! Hot Dudes with Kittens from Sam Trammell
Click Here to create your own “Elf Yourself” video
Ruby: “There can be only ONE (ginger cat around here)!”
I am such a clumsy cow! Walking backwards, filming a kitty up a palm tree, I manage to fall over something (cause I don´t have eyes in the back of…