I was recently contacted by Irish author Séamus Mullarkey (who lives in New York), and he was so kind to send me a copy of his book “The Cats of…
Tag: cats
I got a donation of cat food from a friend whose cat is too spoilt and didn’t eat it. When I tried said food on my cats, they didn’t like…
If you are owned by a cat or three, and as a responsible cat parent, you will know how important it is to have a good cat litter scoop to…
In memory of my amazing SpiderCat – I miss you so much, my baby. It’s hurts so bloody much to not have you here ever again.
Last year during a trip to Israel, I spent a day at the JSPCA Shelter just outside of Jerusalem, and was amazed how hard the volunteers all worked there to…
Someone has been listening to the many voices of pet owners here in Lanzarote, and we now finally have a crematorium for our furbabies! I know this is quite a…
I had the pleasure of doing an interview for Catster with the wonderful Michelle of Kitty Central, who is a total heroine to her 9 cats, and also to many…
A friend and I trapped one of the feral kittens from the cat colony in the Old Town Harbour in Puerto del Carmen yesterday, took it to the vet to be neutered, and returned it…
Our local animal shelter had an open day today to promote adoptions of pet dogs and cats. The event was incredibly well attended, but as I am more interested in…
I want you to meet Dylan Kendall, a professional cat rescuer & talented artist! In her spare time she helps rescue and find homes for homeless four pawed cats. Most…
Why can´t cats ever finish their plate?!
Just a reminder that I still have some copies of my beautiful 2012 Cat Calendars for sale – click here for full details and pics of each page. Here´s Lugosi…
I have now spoken to a printer who can do a small quality of my beautiful cat photo calendar for a reasonable price. The calendar will be available in A4…
La Perla is a horrible, old derelict holiday complex in my home town of Puerto del Carmen that houses quite a few feral cats. I was passing the place with…
Yesterday you saw the video, but I forgot to post these cute photos… . .
First test video with new Nikon Coolpix P100 camera – not bad for a photo camera that also has HD video built in – although… the stereo microphone is far…
I guess the heat the other day called for Spider and Lugosi throwing themselves into dramatic, death-like poses…….
Since I have till Sunday off work, I am out and about visiting people and their cats this week, armed with my camera. Today it was 9 Lives Lanzarote´s Bernie…
More Kitty Flight Club with Ruby and Lugosi……
Tabby fur never ceases to amaze me. Just found the letter “S” on Ruby. Lugosi has the letter “N” in his fur (or “Z”, depending from which angle you look…
A “Basket”? A “Tray”? A “Bakery”? Suggestions please. (Btw, these lovely loaves live on the grounds of the Natura Palace Hotel, Playa Blanca, Lanzarote)..
Some current photos of my three little terrors….Lugosi lounging in pr0n star pose….Spider doing his Cat Aerobics .Ruby blending in with the furniture.Kitty Neighbourhood Watch….Spider doing what cats do best…
… according to my weather station on the roof. And the kitties are all flaked out in the heat too. Ruby doesn´t seem to mind too much though, probably cause…
While in Tokyo last week, I had to check out a cat café (or two!) while there – you pay for 1/2 hour or an hour (or more), get yourself…
Pics of the terrible 3some… starting with Lugosi..Talk to the Paw!.Spider & Lugosi back to back, like a mirror!.Sphinx Ruby.Ruby blending in with her surroundings.Lugosi doing his best Pr0nstar pose…..Ruby…
Squeaky (grey & white) and Blacky… (taken with mobile phone camera, hence the fuzzy quality).Love Cats enhance
Visited my sweet Janelle again yesterday. Here are some pics of her, and her equally stunningly beautiful co-inhabitant Squeaky…….
In a restaurant in Costa Teguise.Elsewhere in Costa Teguise.Last night at the Europa Apartments in Puerto del Carmen
The terrible threesome this morning
.And more love….I love this shot!
SMACKDOWN!!! Ruby v. Lugosi.But then…. the LOVE! ..Spider´s new favourite sleeping spot.Ruby playing.Ruby posing..Laser Pointer Games!.
Thanks to www.rathergood.com for this. Brilliant stuff. Oh and LOL!
ENJOY!!!! Kittyfight Club: Ruby v. Spider.Lugosi on the balcony.Spider & Lugosi on the balcony.Ruby at play.Ruby with Spider in the background
…and they mess up your living room!
Lugosi wasn´t in a posing mood, so no pic of him here this time… .
Two of the stunning kitties that live on the Bitacora holiday complex in Puerto del Carmen here in Lanzarote granted me a photo session this afternoon. One is more gorgeous…
As a thanks for posing so beautifully, I did give them a few little scraps in the end…. ..
ENJOY! .Ruby.Spider.Ruby.Lugosi.Ruby & Lugosi
I really need to invest in a 4th chair, so *I* can also enjoy sitting on my balcony. Or ditch one of the cats.
I am looking after these two while their mummy is on holiday…
Spider! WHAT are you doing in front of Princess Janelle?!