Cats are well known for “helping” with anything from homework to DIY projects. Here´s Ruby supervising my friend Brian put on a new light fitting….
Tag: bed
Purrfect pose, Spider!
Ruby´s like “whaddayawant?!”.
One part of cat….Two parts of cat!.
I had been away for a few days, and Lugosi was sooo happy to see me – the feeling was mutual.
Spider & Lugosi are having a bit of a tiff….*note the hyena hair on Spider´s back*
… resting her legs on Lugosi…
All 4 of us sharing the bed….
I swear I didn´t do this – he made this cushy nest all by himself! Talented little boy….
He actually tucks himself in like this because he´s ill – he has just been diagnosed with a chronic condition called Megacolon, which causes him a lot of pain, but…
Squeaky says: “My trendy new mop bed is very comfortabuhls!”
Early or not, I just couldn´t help myself and simply *had* to capture this pose!
It´s a bit of a fuzzy picture, but it´s rather priceless…. Lugosi & Ruby caught in the Act!
.POUNCE!.And a few minutes before this, she cramped Lugosi´s style, who got angry after just minding his own business and lying peacefully on the bed!
Synchronised sleeping…
Taking with mobile phone camera, hence a bit fuzzy quality..
Accompanying music is an old track I wrote and recorded in the mid 90s, I hope you like it.
Spider is seriously starting to become a total teenager…. first he goes on a hunger strike, and now he´s being silly hiding from everybody under the bed covers. Next he´ll…
Spider (left), Ruby-Kitten and Lugosi
A wide shot of all my 3 bebbehs in the bedroom….
Bless him! Spider “built” himself a “nest” with the bed cover again….
Playing with Spider & Lugosi, throwing one of their favourite toys (a rustly, foil paper ball) and watching them jump after it madly!
Check this out (and I swear I did not have a hand in this) – Spider *made* this perfect little cat bed out of the bed cover this afternoon. I…