Bought some new boots in the sales yesterday and the box was so pretty I thought I´d give it to the kitties as a bed (as if they don´t already…
Tag: bed
The triple kitty bunk bed I built (see this post for instructions and photos) is actually being used! Lugosi is still not impressed – he´s the one on the bed…
I saw a photo of a triple cat bunk bed the other day and decided that I wanted to build my own for my 3 furbabies. These are the basic…
Hmmm, where could he or she be hiding?
Just a little animation I made from photos of Spider jumping after his favourite toy!
Lugosi likes to lie on top of me! Ruby likes to lie next to me. And Spider? He refused to have his picture taken together with a smelly hoomin!
Lugosi this morning, doing a kittyloaf.
… flanked by “ma boys”.
Spider is still extremely playful with this 13 years. Watch him here go mad chasing mylar foil balls that I throw at him…
Spider. The morning after a night of catnip excesses… ENHANCE!
He likes to lie next to me like this, pressed against my leg with one paw dangling off the bed or the sofa.
Lugosi at the front, Ruby (right) and Spider…
You know what it´s like. You got one paw out of the bed and the rest of your body just won´t follow…. The mind is willing, but the flesh is…
Been too busy to update, but we can´t let our kitty pic fans go totally tee-total, can we?! So here you go with a few Spider, Ruby and Lugosi photos…
Lugosi (right) with Ruby.
And now we´re going to lift our right leg behind our head like this…. it´s so easy! When you´re a cat, that is.
Lugosi is one persistent little bugger when he wants to get me out of bed in the morning to have his breakfast served. But he´s also very loving and spends…
Lugosi spilling out from his IKEA unit cat bed onto the floor…. must be comfy!
Lugosi puts on a really pathetic sounding meow every morning when he wants me to get out of bed and give him his breakfast….
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The 3 terrors zonked out on the bed….
It´s fantastic that Lugosi and Spider are still so playful at almost 13 years of age, especially Spider.
My beautiful girl Ruby sitting on my bedside table, patiently waiting for me to get out of bed and make her breakfast.
Catsitting Janelle & Co at the moment. Here´s is the “Co” in “Janelle & Co” – the handsome Squeaky and epileptic kitty Blacky….
Just some cute pics from this morning.
A couple of mobile phone pics (whilst lying in bed in the morning)…
Lugosi´s mad 5 minutes….
Lugosi and Ruby having a play – Lugosi gets the toy!
I was washing the bed clothes and left the uncovered quilt on the bed. Next time I enter the room Spider has made himself a “nest” resembling an igloo (no,…
Ruby lying in the sun this morning…
Spider *trying* to blend in with the bed clothes….
Ruby fails to understand the concept of Yin Yang….
Lugosi´s bedroom eyes…
Nothing better than a good smack down in the morning while mummy is still in bed too…
Nice shot this afternoon of Spider (left), Lugosi & Ruby together….
Lugosi on his throne this morning, ruling his kingdom with an iron paw…