Tag: bed
Ruby: “Look mummy! I barfed on the bed, especially for you!” Teh
Look at him supurrvising his mummy! He’s really good at it.
Spider supurrvising me changing the bed clothes… It’s a dirty job, but some cat’s gotta do it! Spider supurrvising me changing the bed clothes… It’s a dirty job, but…
You know that heavy feeling when you wake up and you’re pinned down by a cat? The best excuse not to get out of bed!
Mummy, what are you doing down there rolling around on the floor?
Mine. This hoomin is MINE.
Cutting the lid off a small broken suitcase and turning it into a kitty bed makes purrfect sense to Ruby and her little plushie cat friends!
Wishing you all a fantabulous 2015!!!! Luv from Barbarella, Ruby, Spider & Lugosi.
Wishing everybody a great time this Christmas and New Year….
A while ago I wrote an article on catster.com on how to make these nifty little steps to help our older cats get up onto all kinds of surfaces around the…
Sorry for not posting anything for a while, but I had my family over for the last two weeks and have been neglecting my blog! However, let´s make up for…
With it being 36C degrees outside, Spider is being a sensible kitty and staying in the airconditioned indoors. Just chillin´…
Sleepy time for the kattens, I guess! Spider´s had it for the day… Ruby´s out for the count… Ruby and Lugosi And Janelle is sleepy too!
Ruby is not impressed that morning is already here…
Lugosi (left) and his bro Spider at their daily supervised outing TREATSSSSS! Ruby Photobomb!
Spider (left) and his twin bro Lugosi…
A bit of fun between “siblings”…
My latest article on Catster – 5 Ways to get your Human out of Bed – featuring the boss of me, LUGOSI! Enjoy! http://www.catster.com/lifestyle/funny-cat-humor-behavior-pictures-photos-get-human-out-of-bed
Lugosi decided that today he is just so not getting out of bed. No chance, matey.
Guess who´s sleeping at the bottom of the bed tonight…. *sigh*
Lugosi: “Now watch me torture my hoomin with the power of my claws.”
Ruby: “Okay then, I have packed: Treats = check Catnip = check Selection of Toys = check My brothers Lugosi and Spider…. erm, no, I´m not taking them!” Lugosi: “alright…
Lugosi with Ruby – Big Bro and Little Sis…
As is pictured in many Ikea cat-alogues, us kitties have a knack of blending in with the furniture. And no matter our fur colour, our presence miraculously goes with all…
Yeah okay, getting out of bed in a bit…. just give me another minute of a lie-in…. awww okay, that´s a no then. *sigh*
It´s all about blending in, y´know? We can try, at least.
Or out of your cat bed even, in Spider´s case.
I´m trying to have a lie-in here, Lugosi! Lugosi, however, thinks a “lie-ON” is a more effective way to get mummy out of bed.
Turn up your sound to hear the happy purrs of Ruby, snuggled up in the crook of my arm under the covers, purring like a motorbike.
* HAPPY BIRTHDAY * my sweet lil girl. Ruby on her new throne. Definitely fit for a Queen!
Lugosi showing off his tiger feet.
You can just about imagine the sweet lullaby music… Bonus Pic:
Check out Lugosi´s new look – *wearing* his brother´s tail!
Spider does not snuggle up in bed with me very often because Lugosi and Ruby´s presence always makes him nervous. Hence these piccies only feature Lugosi and Ruby. And myself!
When she lies with her fluffy side up, I just can´t resist!!! I feel a bit like some kinda pervert!
Oh well, I *used* to live here too, you know. Until it was taken over by the kattens.
Beautiful shot of Lugosi and Ruby, chillin´ together…
Ruby the Orange Bruiser v. Lugosi the Large
Here are some random shots of Ruby from the last month or two that I haven´t had the chance to post yet – ENJOY! Ruby, with Lugosi behind her What…
Guys, I really really need to go for a pee!
Janelle has a new bed! It´s supposed to be rounded at the top, but the way it was packaged, this is the shape it came out, and I think it´s…