Guess who´s sleeping at the bottom of the bed tonight…. *sigh*
Category: Spider
Make sure to have your sound turned on for this. 🙂
Must have been such a hard night for boy Spider. I am doing this on purpose. Honest. I iz cute! Ok, that´s enough now with that camera!
Ruby: “Okay then, I have packed: Treats = check Catnip = check Selection of Toys = check My brothers Lugosi and Spider…. erm, no, I´m not taking them!” Lugosi: “alright…
… with his bro Lugosi in the background.
Spider: “This my scariest face!”
Hey! This may be a nice sky pic, but it´s even better with *me* in it!
Ruby: “hey human servant, get a move on and open this door!”
Spider refuses to drink from an ordinary bowl. He patiently waits by the sink until I turn up and turn it on!
Spider-Cat to the Rescue!
“I see dead people cats….. awww no, it´s just my bro Spider, moving at super speed!
All recent pics of the 3 rascals… Spider & Ruby Lugosi Spider chillin! Ruby Ruby & Lugosi
Cascabel to Spider: “Hah. You´ll never have a plume of a tail like mine. Never!” Cascabel, the cat with the fluffiest tail ever, visits Spider & Co….
Surveying his kingdom…
It´s all about blending in, y´know? We can try, at least. 😉
Yep. Can´t argue with that.
Spider and Ruby surveying their kingdom from the lofty heights of their balcony…
Try to have as little bodily contact with the floor as possible in this heat, does the trick.
Whatever it is…. let´s get ready to…. RUN AWAY!
Look mummy, I can do this *without* the rope! 🙂
Spider loves chasing and catching the leaves in the alley, blown around by the wind… being 14 years old doesn´t stop him from being playful! WALLLLL! :-O
Gotta see life from *both* sides of the fence! Spider (left) and Lugosi (right).
…but I see *you*!
Prezzie from mummy – looks just like *us*! 😀
Or out of your cat bed even, in Spider´s case.
As you can see, Spider is not a happy bunny (or cat, even).
Tabby bros Spider (left) and Lugosi chilling at the top of the stairs on a hot summer´s day.
It´s one of those afternoons, where all you got is sunshine, beer and cats. Isn´t it absolutely awful?! 😉
Spider: “What are ya lookin at, punk?!”
Spider having fun, getting all the outdoor scents onto his coat.
Looking down on the rascals from my 1st floor balcony
Curled up like a little sqwerl during its winter sleep….
With Lugosi… …with Spider … and with my girl Ruby.
Spider´s silhouette next to tonight´s beautiful moon.
Spider, Lugosi and Ruby meet up with their mates Crispy and Tilly….
Lugosi (front) and his twin bro Spider at the bottom of the stairs…
Cool. Mummy grew us some new grass! Yum!
Check out Lugosi´s new look – *wearing* his brother´s tail!
SPIDER! He “exercises” every morning by chasing lights reflected from a mirrored mobile hanging in the sun out on the balcony. He had obviously just been in the litter tray…
Oh well, I *used* to live here too, you know. Until it was taken over by the kattens.
Spider loves sitting on the balcony at sunrise…