Category: Spider & Lugosi with Janelle
Some old video footage that I never got round to editing until now, of Lugosi, Spider and Janelle (before she moved over to live with my friend Anneke) getting rat-arsed…
I prepare the table for breakfast for Mum, her partner and my grandad, and look who gets all the best chairs!
Ruby & Spider watching me at the bedroom window from the balcony… ..Taken with flash, hence the difference in image quality…
Having a break between play-fightingz…
Spider cleans Ruby…. those 2 are usually not on the bestest of terms, so this is a very cute, rare shot.
A wide shot of all my 3 bebbehs in the bedroom….
Check it out, at 2:15 mins. Socks Army One Million Strong from Jason Scott on Vimeo.
It´s 38C/100F in the shade. And 2 of my 3 cats LOVE it (including fluffy Persian Queen Janelle)! .
The beach is only 15 mins away, but these 3 prefer to stay on their balcony, just chillin….
Who´s the top cat here, ey?
Captions please! I can´t think of any, maybe YOU can?
Oh man, hey, man… this is really good sh*t. Thanks so much to findingbl.eu for the prezzies. You´re the best catnip dealer there is.
Princess Janelle in one of her rare moments when she allows “commoner” Spider this close!.
Spider! WHAT are you doing in front of Princess Janelle?!
Janelle is not too much into the old weed, but Lugosi & Spider love having a munch, as you can see!…
Spider: Hmm, never seen ´im before. Watcha think?Janelle: Personally, I think he needs to see the vet for a “certain operation”. Just check out the size of the guy´s crown…