ENJOY!!!! Kittyfight Club: Ruby v. Spider.Lugosi on the balcony.Spider & Lugosi on the balcony.Ruby at play.Ruby with Spider in the background
Category: Ruby with Spider & Lugosi
…and they mess up your living room!
Ruby & Lugosi. They love each other.
Ruby: “There´s nothing like a good fight with my big bro (Lugosi) first thing in the morning!”
Short clip filmed in nightvision – Ruby looks creepy, like an *albino* cat!
Who will end up getting the chair?! .
Hope you´re all having a great Crimbo. Here´s some random cute pics for you to enjoy of my Terrible Threesome. .Lugosi & Ruby.Basket Case Spider (I love the way his…
Some random photos I took this evening of ma bebbees..Love the way Ruby hides behind Spider in this shot… .Earlier on at sunset
Spider is trying to establish who is higher in the pecking order. But Ruby doesn´t really give a toss about the pecking order….
Lugosi and Ruby
6 month old Ruby wrestling with 10 year old brother Lugosi…
Spider, Lugosi & Ruby. A shot in a million.
All peaceful between those two at the mo…. thanks goodness!
Ruby with Lugosi.Lugosi, Ruby and Spider in background
As a thanks for posing so beautifully, I did give them a few little scraps in the end…. ..
ENJOY! .Ruby.Spider.Ruby.Lugosi.Ruby & Lugosi
I really need to invest in a 4th chair, so *I* can also enjoy sitting on my balcony. Or ditch one of the cats.
Ruby and Lugosi chasing the little red dot… endless fun.
Ruby v. Lugosi again…
Ruby v. Lugosi: the kitten sure has some mean fighting moves! Watch her as she takes on Lugosi, the chunky big hunk of tabbyness, in this spectacular wrestling match….
Ruby has been busy studying martial arts on the internetz, but she found that she´s actually quite the natural! Here she is with Spider in a spectacular wrestling match… ..……
Spider & Ruby surveying their ´hood….
I think Lugosi´s in love….
oooooh, sweet nothings…. CAPTIONS WANTED!!!
Spider (left), Ruby-Kitten and Lugosi
This is the best thing that could happen – Lugosi actually accepting the new cat in our household. Watch them here and go awwwww.
I was taking photos of Spider (left) and Lugosi………when Ruby cheekily jumped into the photo, posing prettily! (the scar on her belly is from being spayed on Tuesday)