Category: Miscellaneous
I only just realise that I haven´t posted any of the Maine Coon kitten photos from the session the other day…. here are just a few of them for you….
See more funny videos and TBT Videos at Today’s Big Thing.
Having a siesta with me on the sofa
My friend Anneke (with whom Janelle lives now) gave me these beautiful silver earrings the other day. I love the multi-facetted effect the dimples in them create, it´s so unusual….
I mentioned on Twitter earlier that I lurve those Chinese kitsch shops. So I got these fantatistic, cheap (€1.59) wall stickers to make my kitschy, catty apartment even kitschier and…
Got lots of goodies I ordered for myself for Xmas from The Cat Gallery, but this is the best of all: Purple Kitty Plasters! Now I´m just waiting for the…
Got this cute freebie mousemat from my vets today
We support Sockington – going for 1million Twitter followers – Sockamillion – Click for Sockington on Twitter
Well, it was about time I separate my cat photos from my Twitter etc. accounts. I simply have far too many! So here it is – the all new, dancing…