I saw a photo of a triple cat bunk bed the other day and decided that I wanted to build my own for my 3 furbabies. These are the basic…
Category: Miscellaneous
Spotted in the Old Town of Puerto del Carmen…
8th August 2012
Please be aware that lilies are a deadly poison to cats and keep them out of your home or garden if you own cats. More info and download the posters…
Last night I was walking down the road to meet my friend for a beer down my local and I hear this incredibly loud “meeeeeeeeeeeeeeew” from somewhere in front of…
Lugosi says Hello!
We´re having a heatwave at the moment and yesterday´s late afternoon temperatures climbed to 42C degrees! Even at midnight last night it was still 26C, so I was sitting out…
Did some “naive” style painting on a couple of eggs today. Aren´t they cute? Ruby inspects my work…
Why can´t cats ever finish their plate?!
So funny. And cute. And hot. And did I mention funny? Features Sam Trammell from my favourite TV series “True Blood“! Hot Dudes with Kittens from Sam Trammell
Apart from the US, Canada is another country where declawing is still legal. This lady named Deirdre has made a brilliant informative video and is asking everyone to sign her…
Fattened up Ruby for Christmas, but didn´t have the heart to actually eat her…
I have now spoken to a printer who can do a small quality of my beautiful cat photo calendar for a reasonable price. The calendar will be available in A4…
Pompon is dead. He died at around 8am this morning. Because Claudia had to work we decided that I can care better for him at my place, and I tried…
UPDATE: Latest & Sadly Last Pompon update HERE… Fellow Cat Lover Claudia and I are appealing to all of you to give a small donation (€5-€10 if possible) to cover…
I can´t believe it. We finally found missing cat Pompon, and his story is just short of a miracle. He escaped from a house in La Asomada 20 days ago,…
I have now finished putting together next year´s calendar featuring new kitty photos that I have taken during the year 2011. Below is a preview of it. If you would…
Approx. 5 month old kittens Milly (black tortie) and Tilly playing with one another in one of my neighbours´ gardens.
Spider’s fur is all shiny in the morning sun… .
Apologies to my faithful kitty pic fans for not having posted regularly recently, but I have been rather busy with “life stuff”…. There are a couple of new videos in…
Diddy little thimbles 4.5cm /1.75″ high, €6 each with a kitteh on them. Of course I couldn´t resist. They are so dead adorabuhls. If there had been more than just…
To reflect the fact that I have 3 kitties, but without destroying the nice design by adding another initial to my Spider & Lugosi tattoo (S & L), the triquetra…
Batuffolo is a pretty, 10 year old black cat, with chip, Siamese-type face, hazelnut colour eyes, very smart and playful. He disappeared from the house of his owner at the…
Since we´re such good customers and always buy sh*tloads of catfood there….
Animal Refuge Kansai (ARK), Hisaiba Horse Rescue and JEARS (Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support) all rescued animals in this video. Please donate at www.arkbark.net and www.jears.org
All 4 of us sharing the bed….
Spotted at the vets today – the cutest 4 month old pug named Brisa. I am a total cat person, but every time I see a pug I melt into…
1 Bag of Home Grown Dried Organic Catnip: €3.00 2 bags of Home Grown Dried Organic Catnip: €5.00Shipping within Europe: €2.50 After a lot of hard work I have managed…
…soooooooooooo cute! Spotted at the vets today.
Janelle & friends (or foes!) today while I was over there catsitting. Janelle in full fluff. Peaking round the corner… Wild at play Paws up! (Squeaky in the background) RAAAAAAWWWR!…
Only one of my kitties can do this. She thinks she´s a dog! (but better than Lugosi who sometimes pees over the side!).
Happy New Year Everybody! No kitties this time, sorry – back soon though! New Year´s Eve 2010/2011 in the Old Town of Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote .
I am still wiping the tears of laughter off my face…
When they´re not wrestling rough with each other, Lugosi & Ruby are the sweetest, gentlest couple in the whole universe…..
They don´t call me The Mad Cat Lady for nothing! Behold the power of my kitty-shaped ice cubes (going in my rum & coke)…
New welcome mat. Meowwww!
Got these cute nail stickers in Tokyo – I hope they´ll stay on after putting 3 or 4 top coats over them! .Finished Kitty Nails!
While in Tokyo last week, I had to check out a cat café (or two!) while there – you pay for 1/2 hour or an hour (or more), get yourself…
Saw this on eBay, and of course, I *had* to get one.
“The Best of Haus von Fluffenstein” beautifully showcases photos of Lugosi, Spider, Ruby & Janelle, with a bit of a story about the kitties as well. If you like it,…
so beautiful, I would like to share. Took these pictures the other day – the island of Lanzarote is usually very barren but always “blooms” during the winter time because…
Sorry bout the bad voice over sound quality – I recorded the singing with my Skype headset microphone (and cleaning it up as much as I could in Audacity after)…
Two nice piccies taken with self timer this afternoon – lovely little Ruby! .