Not that often that we see the Tabby Twins posing together like pros, but when they do, they can pose with the best of them!
Category: Lugosi
Lugosi perched on bedside table, patiently waiting for his breakfast… Posted from WordPress for Android
Lugosi puts on a really pathetic sounding meow every morning when he wants me to get out of bed and give him his breakfast….
Lugosi at his morning grooming session… Look! I can touch my nose with my tongue! Ah! Clean now, I think….
And the kitties are out in the sun….
Posted from WordPress for Android
The 3 terrors zonked out on the bed….
A rather spooky pic of my 3 rascals watching me taking photos of the moon and Venus just now, taken with camera settings that were meant for the sky and…
My Tabby Twins Spider … and Lugosi
Spider (left) and his bro, Lugosi The kattens and I on a balmy evening on the balcony Ruby Spider munching
He walks really well on his harness and leash. Spider does it okay, but Ruby is hopeless!
It´s fantastic that Lugosi and Spider are still so playful at almost 13 years of age, especially Spider.
Lugosi´s feetees.
I think I need a sofa especially for *me* to sit on!
On some days and in certain light Lugosi´s fur looks more swirly than usual… I call him my “Marble Cake Cat” (see pic below of marble cake in case you…
The epic love affair is still going strong after 2 1/2 years …. Ruby is Lugosi´s Valentine. UPDATE – had to be done!
This is what Spider does when he´s had enough of Lugosi washing him, seconds before it turns into a fight!
Lugosi´s mad 5 minutes….
Lugosi and Ruby having a play – Lugosi gets the toy!
Just some random piccies I took the last few days of my 3 terrors…. Ruby snuggling up to her big bro Lugosi The Boys: Spider (left) & Lugosi Ruby watching…
Just some random piccies I haven´t posted before…. Spider, Lugosi & Ruby peeking down from the balcony New Year´s Day Spider approves of the new fluffy, purple blanket Ruby´s Nose…
Trying to get a decent shot of myself with all 3 kitties is near impossible. So I tried coaxing them with treats today, but I still didn´t get a great…
Special treat for Lugosi & Spider in particular, since they are on special food for their chronic illnesses at all other times of the year!
Ruby fails to understand the concept of Yin Yang….
Rain this morning in Lanzarote! Ruby doesn´t mind so much, but Spider and Lugosi are like “well fook dis, I´m not going out in dat!!!”
Lugosi´s bedroom eyes…
Nothing better than a good smack down in the morning while mummy is still in bed too…
Just a reminder that I still have some copies of my beautiful 2012 Cat Calendars for sale – click here for full details and pics of each page. Here´s Lugosi…
Nice shot this afternoon of Spider (left), Lugosi & Ruby together….
I don´t sit on *your* toilet, do I?!
Ruby and Lugosi this morning, with neighbouring island Fuerteventura in the background…. Enhance! Yawn! Enhance!
Lugosi on his throne this morning, ruling his kingdom with an iron paw…
Found this cute little fridge magnet in an arty shop the other day and look!!! It´s Lugosi and Spider! I mean, totally! So I just *had* to buy it of…
Lazy sods! While I (servant!) clean and fill up their bowls, hoover their beds, change the kitty litter, etc. etc…. :O
Lugosi’s gorgeous 3 stripes pattern down his back…
Since Lugosi wasn´t featured in yesterday´s post, I took some piccies of him sitting all pretty on one of the balcony chairs this morning, tail dangling (with Ruby in the…