Ruby v. Lugosi: the kitten sure has some mean fighting moves! Watch her as she takes on Lugosi, the chunky big hunk of tabbyness, in this spectacular wrestling match….
Category: Lugosi
I think Lugosi´s in love….
This is the best thing that could happen – Lugosi actually accepting the new cat in our household. Watch them here and go awwwww.
As Lugosi looks at his new little sister, not quite knowing what to make of her just yet…. and how she hasn´t bust any stitches is beyond me (she only…
Lugosi with his beautiful tiger feet stretched out in front, snoozing…. .
First….. I shall practise to put my little finger claw to the side of my mouth like Dr Evil…..Secondly…. I shall hypnotise you into answering to my every whim…. look…
As you can see, he´s his usual, bully-self again. Here he is (on top!) wrestling with his brother Spider.
Lugosi: “Mummy took those horrible “underpants” off because it just made me too sad…. but here I am, handsome as ever, collar or no collar!”
Poor baby. But he has been rubbing the collar against his “bits”, so he has to wear “protection” now!!!
Poor Lugosi. Hopefully, after tomorrow he won´t need the collar any longer…
Awwww…. is it “mummy, I love you” or “mummy, stop working now, I wants me some cuddles”?
“I iz gonna LEEECK ma way out of diz ting!”.“!!! Let me out of diz ting!!!” *bawls*.“Oh man, I give up….”
Okay, not exactly friends, but at least Janelle is in the same room with Lugosi again. The radar dish collar had to come off Lugosi, cause Nelly was *peeing* herself…
Had to take Lugosi´s radar dish collar off (see 2 posts previously) because Janelle is so terrified of it, she *peed* herself (and on *me* while I was holding her!)…
She is utterly terrified of Lugosi´s radar dish collar!
Lugosi: Fear my Clawsies…..
There. This is a really nice POSH pose. .But hey! That´s enough! No more photos!!!!
The beach is only 15 mins away, but these 3 prefer to stay on their balcony, just chillin….
Lugosi – guess where he gets the name from? And…. a face only a mother could love. LOL
Lugosi and Spider on the prowl after that fly…..Lugosi: “I got it I got it!!!!”.Spider: “No you don´t!”
…. but I iz still cute!
… of the blood red bedroom!
Had to take this piccie with the 16:9 (*wide*) setting on the camera to fit the whole of Lugosi into the photo….
Lugosi´s best impression of a Prawn. A very fluffy one. With Pointy Ears.
Damnit Lugosi, that´s my sofa too! Where am I supposed to sit?!
Lugosi demonstrates how best to achieve the most comfy sleeping position..
Lugosi (left) and Spider taking synchronised loafing to new levels….
Lugosi and his bear “double” doing the synchronised pawsies thing….
Lugosi: “Right, while tin opener is out to the shops I´ll quickly update my Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, LiveJournal…. can´t keep all my admirers waiting, can I now?!”