Category: Lugosi
Spider having a quiet play for himself, when Lugosi butts into the video…. If you like the music, click here for more…
Just a little bit of playing around in Paintshop Pro…
No, it wasn´t done with magic or Photoshop – I took this picture from outside through a window with all its reflections, and Lugosi sitting on the inside…. looks so…
Hey guys, look at my Brazilian! (he had to have a bladder ultrasound last week, hence the bare belly).
It´s a bit of a fuzzy picture, but it´s rather priceless…. Lugosi & Ruby caught in the Act!
…are worth a million in your heart! .
No wonder I don´t get any work done…
Hilarious pic of Lugosi with Ruby in the bathtub… let me have your captions! .1st Caption (thanks Anneke!):
Spider (right) & Lugosi
First test video with new Nikon Coolpix P100 camera – not bad for a photo camera that also has HD video built in – although… the stereo microphone is far…
Watch the mad jump at 0:50….
Ruby v. Lugosi..
Shots of all 3 kitties together used to be quite rare, but I find these days they are becoming more the order of the day! …
Silly Face Lugosi, with Ruby.Spider & Ruby lazing on a hot day..Ruby goes undercover
A selection of recent photos of the terrible threesome……Spider & Lugosi (right) flaked out on the sofa.Pretty Ruby posing.Spider on the bed.The terrible threesome.The terrible threesome.Ruby silhouette on the balcony.Such…
Lugosi spread out on my desk. ..
Lugosi & Spider´s “arch groomer” arrived in the post today (their birthday was on 31 July), plus a few more kitty toys to keep them, and Ruby, amused…
Lugosi & Spider: “Help! The human is going to snorgle us!”Ok, ok, boys. No more snorgles from mummy. But HAPPY 11th BIRTHDAY to both of ya! .Lugosi getting snorgled by…
Another rare occasion where all 3 kitties were in one spot for more than a few seconds, and I managed to grab the camera in time!.
More Kitty Flight Club with Ruby and Lugosi……
It´s not every day I get to take a photo of all 3 kittehs together in one spot like this one. And when that happens it´s basically a matter of…
Lugosi: “Well girlie, don´t give up your day job just yet…”
Lugosi & Ruby. The Love Affair. Look at that smile on her face.
It used to be *my* bed…. . Ruby yawning . Lugosi & Ruby: Kitty Fight . . Spider looking a bit miffed about something… . The boys on a lazy…
We already know from yesterday´s post that Lugosi doesn´t give a toss about football (photo attached at the bottom again). However, it´s a different matter with tennis… but then, it´s…
Lugosi really doesn´t care much who wins the World Cup!
Got this great new shelf unit from Ikea the other day, and don´t the kitties look just purrfect posing in it? ….
Caught the moon there just before it disappeared behind the clouds!…
Ruby & Lugosi. The Love Affair. …..
Lugosi = Kitty Pr0n! .More Kitty Pr0n!.Pretty Boy Spider.
Lugosi & Spider are having a little tiff. Enter Ruby….
A little video of how incessant and relentlessly demanding Lugosi can be when he wants his breakfast! Watch the silly captions…
Watch Attention Deficit Kitten (“ADK”) running around in the background.
Hello Ladeeeez….
Tabby fur never ceases to amaze me. Just found the letter “S” on Ruby. Lugosi has the letter “N” in his fur (or “Z”, depending from which angle you look…
..Lugosi wasn´t really in the mood for photos, hence the grim face!.Definitely not in the mood for photos!!!
3 pics of my 3 terrors. Spider´s new feather hat….Ruby´s amazing tongue trick!.And…. Lugosi.
Lugosi Close-Up.Ruby to Lugosi: “Gissa Kiss!” .Ruby: “Who´s that cat???”.Ruby: “Oh, it´s only silly old me…”.Spider: “Does my bum look big like this?”.Lugosi´s Cute Pose.3 kitties lazing on a hot…
.POUNCE!.And a few minutes before this, she cramped Lugosi´s style, who got angry after just minding his own business and lying peacefully on the bed!
Some current photos of my three little terrors….Lugosi lounging in pr0n star pose….Spider doing his Cat Aerobics .Ruby blending in with the furniture.Kitty Neighbourhood Watch….Spider doing what cats do best…
It´s almost fun having sore eyes, when you get to wear these! .Lugosi wasn´t too impressed with them though!
Just some nice, new photos of the boys for ya……….