Ruby´s like “whaddayawant?!”.
Category: Lugosi
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPIDER & LUGOSI!!!! 12 today, you old gits. Sadly, they didn´t like their birthday tuna cause it was in oil, not brine – talk about spoilt…. just look…
“The Creation of Adam” as interpreted by Lugosi & Spider!.
This stray, unneutered tom has been driving the neighbourhood cats crazy for a few months now. Here are the Kitties on the balcony watching him on the roof opposite………That´s him!.And…
Lugosi and Spider having another brotherly tiff. This one got quite serious (look at the fur in Lugosi´s mouth and on the floor)! But Boys will be Boys, ey?!.ENHANCE!
Ruby and Lugosi. The continuing Love Affair. Everybody now…. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! …..ENHANCE!
Here are some pics I didn´t get round to posting before… Bella, a cat from our street, climbing a palm tree (she is a bit mad!)..I think I need to…
I had been away for a few days, and Lugosi was sooo happy to see me – the feeling was mutual.
They are just so sweet together (when they´re not wrestling!). …
Somebody is very content and comfy. .Smile Enhance.
Spider to Lugosi: “Don´t forget the rope, you idiot!”
Lugosi does this sometimes when he wants my attention (no, I did not have a tin of tuna in my hand while filming this video).
“You can stick your Royal Wedding right up your Royal bumholes, see if I care…”
… resting her legs on Lugosi…
All 4 of us sharing the bed….
1 Bag of Home Grown Dried Organic Catnip: €3.00 2 bags of Home Grown Dried Organic Catnip: €5.00Shipping within Europe: €2.50 After a lot of hard work I have managed…
Looking majestic…
Watch those fangs, matey!
The kitties´ new trendy purple feeding station….
Lugosi, Classic Tabby Kitty Loaf….
Lugosi against a weird coloured sky…
Lugosi: “Can´t I just do my Yoga in peace without that camera in my face?!”(while Spider snoozes in the background)
…with Lugosi.
Slightly surreal shot – Ruby looks like a cardboard cutout!
.Ruby: I shall nom off your ear!!!.Nyom, nyom, nyom!!!.Ruby: And I shall nom off your face!!!.Lugosi silly face closeup!.Lugosi: Well, we´ll see about that!
Tabby Twins Lugosi & Spider……
Finally, after a week´s wait since putting the seeds in the soil, the kitties´ wait is over! Fresh Grass! Yay!
Spider looks on in horror as his brother and Ruby get drugged up to the eyeballs! (there´s some of my own home-grown catnip on the floor for them) . Ruby…
I prepare the table for breakfast for Mum, her partner and my grandad, and look who gets all the best chairs!