Janelle (who lived with us for almost 3 years, but now is with a friend, in case you didn´t know) is absolutely happy at Anneke´s house. I mean, wouldn´t *you*…
Category: Janelle
Janelle is permanently moving to “Auntie” Anneke tomorrow – the “Nemesis” situation with Lugosi isn´t ever going to get any better, and I am glad that I have found my…
Couple of Janelle pics – first cute…..…then silly – just before she made a mad dash past me and the camera….
Right next to my face when I go to bed. Bless her.
Spreading her furry butt about the place as if she never left….
Janelle: “Oh noes! Don´t you photograph me with these *commoners*!”
If all goes well, Lugosi will be out of the “Collar of Terror” (at least in Janelle´s eyes!) by Thursday this week, and Janelle will be back with us then….
For the next 2 weeks Janelle is holidaying away from radar dish collared “evil monster” Lugosi – hopefully this holiday won´t be cut short because she won´t behave with the…
Okay, not exactly friends, but at least Janelle is in the same room with Lugosi again. The radar dish collar had to come off Lugosi, cause Nelly was *peeing* herself…
Had to take Lugosi´s radar dish collar off (see 2 posts previously) because Janelle is so terrified of it, she *peed* herself (and on *me* while I was holding her!)…
She is utterly terrified of Lugosi´s radar dish collar!
Gotta love those fluffy booties, too cute!
She can do *this* with her tongue:
Janelle sports the trendy lion cut once again…. ..
It´s 38C/100F in the shade. And 2 of my 3 cats LOVE it (including fluffy Persian Queen Janelle)! .
This bowl is a bit deep for Janelle´s cute, smooshy Persian face, but that doesn´t mean she won´t go all the way to get to the food! .
It started off with just one little sniff…. But things quickly got out of hand…. …and soon the Princess turned into a wild animal… losing all her inhibitions and making…
The beach is only 15 mins away, but these 3 prefer to stay on their balcony, just chillin….
Just playing….
Who´s the top cat here, ey?
Janelle doing a much better job doing exercise on the mat than myself!
Captions please! I can´t think of any, maybe YOU can?
Janelle giving you the evil eye…
Princess Janelle in one of her rare moments when she allows “commoner” Spider this close!.
Janelle looking excitedly at birdies on the roof….
Spider! WHAT are you doing in front of Princess Janelle?!
How *dare* you come in here without knocking?! I am your Queen and I shall have your catnip rations withdrawn for this! Enhance (not amused look)
Spider: Hmm, never seen ´im before. Watcha think?Janelle: Personally, I think he needs to see the vet for a “certain operation”. Just check out the size of the guy´s crown…
Janelle again… well she is in one of her posey moods today, hence so many piccies of her. Enjoy! ..
Janelle – isn´t she just a little teddy bear cat?
Snorgle = Snort + Snuggle. Summarizes the situation when you smoosh your face into a fuzzy wuzzy smoochie wiggle and make googoo noises. (as defined by www.cuteoverload.com)
She is not quite a pro yet, but not bad considering this is only her first time!
Testing Qumana. Tags: ruby, bag, fun