Jupiter just proves that point. View this post on Instagram “If the Earth were really…
Category: Instagram
Who is going to fall off first? View this post on Instagram Who’s going…
We are chuffed to see that Ruby has been chosen as the “Loaf of the Day” on the amazing kittyloaf.com website today, as well as on their Instagram page. Thanks…
Jupiter has become Callisto’s bestie, dad and big brother. These two wrestle and play with each other all day, and they sometimes sleep together too. I am so lucky that…
Callisto joined us on 10th May when he was just 8 weeks old. Here’s his first encounter with Queen Ruby and Jupiter… He has grown a lot since then, and…
This is the racket I have to put up with every time I’m in the kitchen. He only stops when I finally hand over the food. It’s very cute, and…
View this post on Instagram Their final resting place… I LOVE YOU BOTH, ALWAYS Lugosi…
View this post on Instagram Such a sweet, gentle boy! I am convinced that parts of…
I sure can’t!!! View this post on Instagram I can’t handle this level of cute. Can…
These two just love each other so much. Whenever I see them like this, my heart melts! This photo is a screenshot from a video, see below. …
I think I need to form a kitty boy band with Jupiter… View this post on Instagram …
I adopted Jupiter from our local animal shelter SARA on Wednesday 27th June 2018, and he has settled in well. So far, so good! He is extremely affectionate with me,…
Ruby trying to fish some toys out of a friend’s handbag, that I gave her for her cat (Janelle)… ??? #cats #ruby #tabbies #handbag #cattoys #hausvonfluffenstein #gatos #katzen #katt…
I was tagged on Instagram by this amazing artist who had drawn a water colour painting of my girl Ruby. Isn’t it gorgeous? I was so impressed, I just had…
Lugosi never liked having his clawsies trimmed. See it and believe it. Did you watch the previous video of Ruby getting her claws trimmed? Well, here’s Lugosi, who…
My little girl is 9 today!!!! Come and take part in our birthday celebrations… HAPPY PURRTHDAY, my little girl! Ruby is 9 today! ????? #cats #ruby #tabbies #tabbycats #birthday #catbirthday…
She loves that series! Eventually she does fall asleep though – it’s what cats do best, after all. Time for Ruby’s favourite series again, Doctor Who. ??? #cats #ruby…
Ok, they’re not exactly Lego, but very similar. A company called JEKCA holds the patent for their own “building blocks for kidults”, and you can buy sets of just about anything…
The 2nd March marked the six month anniversary of Spider’s death. I miss him like crazy, but it has got a bit easier coping with him not being here anymore….
Star Trek: Enterprise is apparently too boring for my girl… Watching Star Trek: Enterprise with my girl Ruby, but she’s too tired to stay awake… ?????? #cats #paws #catsandwomen #girlswithcats…
I got a donation of cat food from a friend whose cat is too spoilt and didn’t eat it. When I tried said food on my cats, they didn’t like…
My little domestic help mopping up rain water… My domestic help Ruby mopping up rain water on the balcony. ?
?? ?SOUND UP? to hear her little slurping sounds….
I had the pleasure of meeting the super talented singer/songwriter/model Oriana Curls, who came to visit Lanzarote earlier this week, and spending two fun-filled days with her. As you can…
I recently bought some cat stuff from a company that I met on Instagram called “Always Whiskered“. This is just a short review about my experience with them. Ordering from…
It’s almost 12 weeks since my Spider died (on 2nd September), and I’m only just coming to terms properly with him not being around anymore. I still cry every other…
Lugosi hates the car journey to the vets, and he always soils himself, hyperventilates in the cat carrier and gets totally stressed out. But at the vets he is such…
We had the first bit of proper rain (well, one short heavy downpour at least) in Puerto del Carmen yesterday, and check out Ruby looking on in amazement. …
Almost 3 weeks ago, Spider, who turned 18 last month, was found to have a growth in his mouth, which I thought was just a bad tooth. It turned out…
In honour of my boys’ 18th birthday last month, I decided to have another cattoo of/for them done. I already have one with their initials on my right leg, but…
She just loves to nibble on those morning glory flowers. They don’t appear to have any harmful effect on her, she doesn’t even vomit afterwards, so we gather they are…
We are proud to be Instagram furriends with this amazing ginger and white tom called City. He and his mom, Lori, have been tirelessly campaigning and fighting against the outdated…
Maybe you shouldn’t try this at home… most cats run 10 miles when they even hear the darn thing! Lugosi lets me hoover him again… ???? #cats #hoover…
I recently got the chance to test out the Tabcat Cat Tracker. Have you ever struggled to find your cat inside your house or around the garden or in the…
Spider is almost 18 years old! Can you believe he’s still so playful? He cracks me up, LOL. Spider plays football from *inside* his tent. ? Note: Spider is almost…
Look at her go mental! Ruby goes mental in the bathtub… ????? The simple toys (aluminium foil ball) are always the best! #cats #bathtub #playing #tabbies #tabbycats #gatos…
Spider supurrvising me changing the bed clothes… It’s a dirty job, but some cat’s gotta do it! Spider supurrvising me changing the bed clothes… It’s a dirty job, but…
In case you missed yesterday’s post, it was the boys’ and my 13th anniversary. Here’s a little video from our Instagram of them getting their special 13th treats. 13th…
So there’s me going out of my way to get them a goose breast fillet as a special treat this Christmas. Of course, Ruby stuck her nose up at it…
Ruby got a new toy, i.e. my bracelet! ***Turn up your sound to hear her super purrs!*** ? #cats #tabbies #tabbycats #gatos #katzen #katt #neko #ilovecats #kitties #cute #pets…
Meet some of the friendly ferals that live in my town… Feral Cat Colony near Playa Chica in Puerto del Carmen… They’re all so adorable, all 11 of…
It was hard to pick a winner, so I decided that ALL of you win and get a mention and link back to your Instagram here. dee.arnold I’m ready…
Not bad for a 17 year old! Spider is still very active and playful at his advanced age… ??? . #cats #oldcats #oldcatsrule #oldcatsrock #tabbies #tabbycats #gatos #katzen #katt…
Ruby decides to have a shower at the same time as drinking from the tap… It’s already 40C at 9:20am so Ruby decides to take a shower… ? #cats…
Oh noes! I forgot my sweet girl’s birthday! Actually, I didn’t. I simply forgot to post things here on my blog. I’m always on Instagram though, if you want…