Meet Jupiter
I’m so excited! I will be adopting this gorgeous 3 year old tabby boy from SARA today! His name is Perico, but he will be renamed Jupiter.
I hope Ruby and Lugosi will get on with him. Every cat parent knows that it is always difficult when you already have cats, and because of Lugosi’s age (19 at the end of July) and Ruby’s dominance, I had to choose a cat that is not too young (i.e. no kittens) and who has a sweet and gentle nature and a non-dominant temperament. Jupiter seems to be just perfect, but watch this space for news on how things are going to develop with these three!
P.S.: Yes, of course I do realise how much he looks like my Spider, who passed in September last year, but I know that he is not Spider and I am not expecting him to be Spider. He is a new, different cat, who will have his own little quirks, which I can’t wait to find out about. But I am a sucker for tabbies, and straight away I just fell in love with all the stripey goodness, his brick red nose, his tabby freckles and the M on his forehead!
Wish me luck that my two will accept him into our household and things will be ok within a week or so!