In Memory of Spider – Dream a Little Dream of Me
The 2nd March marked the six month anniversary of Spider’s death. I miss him like crazy, but it has got a bit easier coping with him not being here anymore. I have bad days though when I cry a lot and just wish I could touch his fur again or hear his sweet little voice.
I found that one way of dealing with my grief is to be creative. I have already written a Book of Memories about him, with photos, stickers, stories, and fun stuff he used to do, and I still have more memories that I do not want to forget to write down in there as I go along.
The other day I re-wrote the lyrics for “Dream a Little Dream of Me” and found a karaoke version to sing along to – this is the result. It took me 5 takes until I didn’t break down crying while singing it, and I hope Spider up there on the Rainbow Bridge will like it!
I have also made up a lovely little shrine for him with his ashes and his little urn, a photo of him, his favourite toys and treats, and a cat angel to guide him wherever he is now, plus an electronic candle that I light every night.
And in the living room by my computer, I have a little artificial tree adorned with cat fairy lights and two photos of him (and his Book of Memories).
I hasn’t been easy dealing with losing my “child” and soulmate, and Lugosi has also been grieving over the loss of his twin bro, but we are over the worst, and Lugosi’s last old timer checkup at the vets last month didn’t show anything serious, except for the usual wear and tear that a cat of this age would have. He is 18 1/2 years old after all, which is is about 90 in human years!