Lugosi and Spider are 18 today!!!!
What a long life for 2 kitties, eh?! I am so amazed that both of them made it to this point, what with chronic illness and life-saving surgery (Lugosi’s perineal urethrostomy and feline urinary syndrome) and a successfully removed malignant tumour and renal disease (Spider), plus moving country together with them – just to mention a few major things…
Some say that it’s all my doting and looking after them so well, and spending so much money on veterinary costs that should have been spent on my own holidays! But I would also like to think that they were both born with good, strong genes and are simply very hardy creatures. And as for holidays… I would rather be in the presence of healthy, happy cats than going on holiday any day!
For those of you who don’t know, I even got married to them in January 2004. This is not really serious or official or legal anywhere, but the serious part is that I love them to bits and it just had to be done….
I adopted them when they were already 8 months old, so I do not have a picture of them pre-2000, but here are pictures from each year since March 2000, when they came into my life and changed it forever….
The boys “told me” that they didn’t need any more presents at their grand old age, so I decided to donate €50 to a local Lanzarote cat charity called “Freddy’s Cathouse” instead – this is their birthday / thank you card.
If you want to catch up on *all* the fun we had all day long today, hop on over to our Instagram!