TV Shoot with the Cats Today
After the airline losing the TV team´s camera equipment on Sunday, they finally managed to get a replacement camera sent over this morning, and we did all the filming that was supposed to be done in two days, in ONE day alone, today…. as you can imagine, after 8 hours almost non-stop filming and being on my feet for this, I am totally shattered now – but… it all went well!
Lugosi wasn´t too impressed being carted off to my friend Anneke´s house for the “renewal of vows” ceremony, but he still did admirably well, whereas Spider was really good and seemed to quite enjoy all the attention, even though he appeared just slightly nervous.
The film itself will be aired in about 2 months´ time on the UK´s Channel 5, but I´ll post here to let you all know when it will be on when I have the details, and/or post a link to where you can watch it online.
Thanks again to my friends Bernie and Lori for attending as guests, and Anneke for loaning us her beautiful patio for location shooting. And not to forget Sian, Paul and Mark from Doghouse Media, who were fantastic and such great fun to work with!
Lugosi wasn´t too happy, but he still did amirably well!
Lugosi: “I think I can escape when she´s not looking…”
Kissies for the boys!