An Altar in Memory of Spider
I bought this e-book called “Soul Comfort for Cat Lovers” yesterday, which is a really big help for bereaved cat parents. Amongst a lot of other helpful advice, it suggests to make up an altar or sacred space where you can remember your beloved furbaby and talk to him, if that is what you need to do.
I made this altar for Spider with his favourite toys, the ping pong ball and mylar ball, his favourite chewy stick treats, a candle that I will light every night this coming week, two manekinekos for good luck in the next realm, and an angel hugging a kitty that a friend gave me a few years ago. I would like to think that I myself am that angel holding my sweet, gentle boy Spider tightly in my arms. And never let go. *sob*
I bought some valerian tea and tablets yesterday to calm my nerves, and I think they’re helping a tiny bit, but I still hurt so much, it’s like someone violently ripped out part of my heart and there’s now a gaping wound that will never heal. But it will. Eventually. It will leave a big Spider-shaped scar, but it will heal… Rest in peace, my sweet boy.