R.I.P. Spider – Forever Missed and Loved
Today I lost my baby, my friend, my soulmate and “husband“. Spider left this world very peacefully at around 13:20 hrs today, 2nd September 2017, in the comfort of our own home. I held him in my arms until his last breath and for a few minutes afterwards, before my vet Marga took him away to be cremated, and I will receive the urn with his ashes in about a week to 10 days’ time.
I was around friends all afternoon which really helped take my mind off things, but now, being at home, it is really hard because everything reminds me of him. The sheet that he died on even smells of him still, but after spending 5 minutes sniffing it and crying into it, I told myself that I need to move on and I put it in the washing machine. I have never been one for living in the past, and even though Spider’s passing is going to hurt for a long time to come, I have to be strong and look after his twin brother Lugosi (also 18 years old) and his half sister Ruby, and I also need to look after myself – something which I have not been doing for that last few weeks since Spider’s cancer diagnosis.
I told Spider before he left this world, that time works differently “up there” and that for me it will be many years before we meet again, but for him it will just be like an hour and then I will be right there again with him in no time. And Lugosi too.
I just stopped crying for about 10 minutes and now it’s starting again. But most of you will know what losing a pet is like, so I know you will understand. Rest in peace, Spider, my beautiful boy.
Telling him I love him forever, just before he was sent off to the Rainbow Bridge.